Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Outline of Modern Chinese History (6-8) short-answer, discussion

 Outline of Modern Chinese History (6-8) short-answer, discussion of Chapter VI of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War

? Important to explain
two test sites, short answer
1, occupied by Japan in China How brutal colonial rule?
colonial rule of Taiwan since 1895, Japan's colonial rule of Taiwan for 50 years. Japan in Taiwan Governor control the legislative, executive, judicial and military power .
(2) of the Northeast's colonial rule
Mukden Incident, the Japanese in Northeast China implemented a 14-year colonial rule on March .1932 established the puppet Command, as the Minister by the Japanese.
(3) support the Wang Jingwei puppet regime
1938 年 12 months, Wang Ching-wei, vice president of the Chinese Kuomintang collaborators .1940 treason in March, under the control of Japan, Wang Jingwei Nanjing to set up the puppet China's deepening national crisis, intensification of ethnic conflicts and Japan.
process and the slogan: December 9, 1935, students in Peking, the Chinese Communist Party national salvation, the call of war and Communist China National Peking under the leadership of the Provisional Committee held anti-Japanese demonstrations. call out Peking more than 1 million students and the public was held at the bridge public Assembly Government Affairs Committee opposed the establishment of Ji and Cha.
meanings: (1) against the Japanese imperialist aggression against China and North China's annexation plan. (2) to promote the Chinese nation Awakening, (3) marks the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese National Salvation Movement New climax.
3, and the peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident briefly the significance?
Incident occurred: December 12, 1936, the Chinese Communist Party under the influence of Resistance Against Japan, Zhang and Yang decided to implement br> and the significance of the peaceful settlement: the Chinese Communist Party size up the situation, proceeding from national interests to determine the incident contributed to the basic policy of peaceful resolution, and sent Zhou Enlai and other components of the CPC delegation to Xi'an negotiations. through peaceful negotiations, and finally made a stop forcing Chiang Kai-shek A total of The role of the battlefield and retreat because
role: the positive leadership of the Kuomintang Chinese War battlefield is always an important battleground in the national war of resistance plays an important role. In the strategic defensive phase, but these did not meet resistance to the purpose of maintaining the territorial KMT positive battlefield defeat, China's rapid loss of large areas of land.
reasons: (1) in contrast to the Japanese national strength and military power and the poor. (2) the implementation of the Chiang Kai-shek's line of partial resistance, will want to simply count on the government and the regular army of resistance, and (3) National Government in the strategic guidelines of the error. In strategy and tactics, has not taken the policy of active defense.
5, stalemate, after the arrival of the Kuomintang Chiang Kai-shek's policy of what happened inside and outside ?
KMT reiterated their protracted war of resistance at the same time, domestic and foreign policies of its major adjustments and changes.
(1) 1939 年 1 month, the KMT decided to set up the Fifth Plenary Session Fifth to determine the to create the anti-communist .
6, which formed two Sino-Japanese War battlefield? What is their relationship?
(1) the formation of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War Two battlefield. one is mainly responsible for the positive by the Kuomintang army battlefield; one the people's army led by the Communist Party mainly responsible for the battle behind enemy lines.
(2) two each on the battlefield is a strategic relationship with.
7, anti-Japanese guerrilla war strategy outlined the status and role.
(1) the Eighth Route and New Fourth Army to take The guerrilla war is to assist the KMT positive battlefield. to prevent the Japanese attack, to reduce pressure on frontal battlefields, the war led to strategic stalemate.
(3) in the strategic stalemate, behind enemy lines as a major anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare. Date Army forces will be mainly used for the gradual battle behind enemy lines in order to maintain and consolidate its occupation of land. This comprehensive consumption of the Japanese, they won a strategic counter-offensive.
8, how to adhere to an independent anti-Japanese national united front in the meaning of the principle of
(1) meaning: the Chinese Communist Party stressed the need to adhere to the principle of independence in the united front, is both unity and independence.
(2) the specific operation: the Communist Party must remain in the ideological, political and organizational independence, boldly arouse the masses, strengthen people's power; must uphold the absolute leadership of the people's army, broke the KMT's limitations and constraints, efforts to develop people's armed forces and the anti-Japanese base areas; must take both unity and struggle against the Kuomintang to fight the principle of seeking unity .
(3) the purpose and essence: the aim is to maintain and develop the revolutionary forces have gained ground; essence, strive to the leadership of Communist Party of China on Sino-Japanese War the right to unite the whole nation to become the backbone of resistance. This is the anti-Japanese war to the center part of the victory.
three essay questions
1, with the facts that caused the Japanese invaders to the Chinese nation how great disaster?
(1) created a tragic massacre .
Light br> (2) plundered China's resources and wealth. in the Northeast, takes all the heavy industry and rail traffic in Northeast, control the economic lifeline of the Northeast, plunder of mineral resources. the customs, on the north and central China's economic plunder. Japanese invaders also plundered in the occupied territories and agricultural lands.
(3) to impose slavery education. purpose is devoid of the Chinese people's national consciousness and the spirit of resistance to maintain its colonial rule.
(4) loss figures: During the war, China 3 500 million military and civilian casualties; converted by 1937, China's direct economic loss of 1 000 billion, indirect economic losses of 5 000 billion.
2, the Chinese Communist Party carried out anti-Japanese democratic movement in rear area What cultural work with the Japanese?
(1) 1938 year, Zhou Enlai, the National Government as Deputy Minister of Political Military Committee. the Chinese Communists in the National Political Council; Central Bureau of the Yangtze River, the South Bureau has led the rear with anti-Japanese .1944 national united front work in September, members of the CPC Political Lin Boqu raised in national politics the idea of establishing a democratic coalition government.
(2) the active leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang-controlled areas to carry out the work of progressive culture, promoting and participating in the cultural war group formation and development.
(3) Kuomintang areas of anti-Japanese democratic movement and progressive cultural work, the whole nation is an important anti-Japanese war in the front, rear area for stimulating patriotic and democratic consciousness of the people, uphold the unity of the KMT-CPC cooperation war, support war front, savings and other revolutionary forces play an important role.
3, why the Chinese Communist Party is the Anti?
(1) the Chinese Communist Party during the anti .1937 adhere to a comprehensive line of resistance Luochuan in August through the and anti-Japanese national united front policy and other general policy guidelines and take action to implement.
(3) adhere to the protracted approach, and led the People's Army guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines to carry out independent, containment and eradication of the Japanese large number of vital forces. Zedong Mao Zedong's and imperialism in the 20th century between Japan for 30 years, a daredevil of the war. According to all the questions here. China and Japan there are four contradictory characteristics: against a stronger enemy, the enemy big ego, the enemy I backward progress, the enemy little support me to help.
future and the law: on the one hand, Japan is the power, China is weak, the contrast, the decision can only be a protracted anti-Japanese war. On the other hand, Japan is small country, launched a backward, barbaric war of aggression in the international scant support; while China is a big country, for the progress, just war against aggression, the international moral support from many, the final victory will be the part of China The.
process and guidelines: the scientific prediction of the Sino-Japanese War through the strategic defensive, strategic stalemate, strategic offensive three stages. Among them, the strategic stalemate, win the final victory of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War the most critical stage. adhere to the persistent War policy, China will get weaker at this stage for the strong force, and even the final win.
(2) Significance: Mao Zedong stated protracted strategic thinking, to seize the Sino-Japanese War and the war occurred in the nature of characteristics of the times reveals the development of law and adhere to the Sino-Japanese War War, victory of the war must be implemented for the strategic policy of the country played an active role in war.
5, How to recognize the anti-Japanese national united front to consolidate and develop the general policy strategy?
expression: rely on force. In order to develop the progressive forces, we must break through the limitations and constraints the KMT, boldly arouse the masses to expand the anti-Japanese armed forces, the creation of anti-Japanese democratic base areas, the development of the Communist Party organization in the country and the people of the anti-Japanese movement, which is the center of the strategy link.
(2) mainly refers to the national bourgeoisie middle forces, enlightened gentry and local powers. for the middle forces need three conditions: First, the power of the Communist Party should be sufficient; the second is to respect their interests; third To a resolute struggle against the same die-hards, and can step by step to win.
(3) is the stubborn forces of big landlords and big bourgeoisie, the anti-Japanese faction, that is representative of Chiang Kai-shek's KMT Group pro-American camp. for its dual policy (both stand united against Japan, but also limited to a total, total dissolved, and to destroy the progress of anti-Communist forces) to be by revolution on both sides of the Communist Party policy to deal with them, that they jointly and implement policies to combat. diehards to fight with, they should adhere to the rational, beneficial, section principle. in order to not break the united front for the bottom line.
6, democratic theory of the Content that? any significant meaning?
content: 1940, Mao Zedong wrote Communists Foreword contradictions; Chinese revolution, including democratic revolution and socialist revolution in two stages. After the May Fourth Movement has been a democratic revolution, its future is socialism.
(2) to clarify the Chinese Communist Party in the stage of New Democratic Revolution basic program. Politically, overthrow the oppression of imperialism and feudalism, the establishment of a new democratic republic. Economically, the confiscation of bureaucratic monopoly capital owned by the new democratic state; confiscation of land owned by the landlord class for all farmers; allow the national capitalist economy economic development and the existence of rich peasants. culture, the development of the proletarian masses of the people led by a new culture of the Chinese nation against imperialism and feudalism, the nation's scientific and popular culture.
(3) summarizes the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party experience since the proposed united front, armed struggle, party building, the Chinese Communist Party to lead the revolution of the three basic questions, the three magic weapons to defeat the enemy.
(1) Democratic Theory by Mao Zedong as the main representative of the Chinese Communists the basic principles of Marxism with the concrete reality of Chinese revolution, the theoretical results.
(2) democratic system, the theory states that marks the start of Mao Zedong Thought by many to achieve mature.
7, Shishu Yan'an Rectification Movement and its significance
20 mid-century, 40 years ago, the Chinese Communist Party in Yan'an as the center, within the party launched a rectification campaign.
(1) Contents: against subjectivism in order to rectify style of study, in order to rectify style against sectarianism and oppose the Party stereotypes in order to rectify style. in which the rectification campaign against subjectivism is the most important tasks. subjectivism is the main form of dogmatism and empiricism, especially dogmatism. This is repeated within the Chinese Communist Party Establish the scope of proceeding from reality, theory with practice, the Marxist ideological line of seeking truth from facts.
the basis of the rectification movement in 1945, seven Communist Chinese communists will be the basic principles of Marxism-Leninism with China's actual conditions created by theoretical results, the official name of Mao Zedong Thought, and provides for all the work for the party pointer.
8, the great history of Sino-Japanese War Victory What is the meaning?
total: People Anti-Japanese War, the Chinese nation in modern times against foreign invasion obtain a complete victory for the first time war of national liberation.
(1) victory of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War, to defeat the Japanese aggressors, safeguarded China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Chinese nation to avoid being colonized slavery doom.
(2) victory of the war the Chinese people, and promote the awakening of the Chinese nation, the Chinese people in spirit, the progress of the organization has reached an unprecedented height. the practice of the Chinese people realize that Sino-Japanese War the Chinese Communist Party is leading the Chinese people of all nationalities for national independence and liberation of the strong core.
(3) victory of the war the Chinese people, and promote the great unity of Chinese nation and carry forward the great spirit of the Chinese nation. This is : national self-integrity, national unity and consciousness, a national hero spirit, national self-belief, national creative spirit.
(4) victory of the Chinese People's War, people of the world the victory over fascism, the great cause of world peace a huge impact, for the final victory over the fascist forces in the world to make a historic contribution, significantly enhance China's international standing and influence.
9, the main victory of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War What?
(1) the Chinese Communist Party in the national War played a role in the mainstay. This is the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War with the previous wars of aggression in modern times the biggest difference. the Chinese Communist Party actively promote, facilitate and maintain anti-Japanese national united front. Chinese Communists, science clarify the rules and the War of Resistance process to develop the correct strategy and tactics, on the Sino-Japanese War played an important role in guiding.
(2) of the Chinese people great national awakening, the unprecedented national unity and the heroic national resistance of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War victory decisive factor. War aroused a sense of crisis and the nation's sense of mission. Chinese Communist Party advocated full program of resistance, unity and exteriors of the vanguard role, the organizational strength of people's war, mobilize people across the country from the Japanese initiative. Kuomintang patriotic officers and soldiers against the Japanese aggression also contributed.
(3) victory of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War, the world peace and justice-loving countries and peoples, international organizations and various anti-fascist forces of sympathy and support is also inseparable. the Soviet Union, the United States, France, United Kingdom provided China with economic and military aid. many countries directly involved in the anti-fascist fighters of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War, the liberation of the Chinese people to give blood and lives.
10, Discussion on the Idea of the basic experience of the people of Japanese War
(1) the great unity of people of all nationalities, the Chinese people to overcome all difficulties and hardships, a source of strength to achieve victory over Japan. In the war against Japan, the Chinese nation unprecedented unity, forming a truly national war of resistance. Without the great unity of people of all nationalities, not anti-Japanese national united front, there is no great victory in the War of Resistance.
(2) patriotism as the core the great national spirit is the spirit of unity and struggle of the Chinese people power. This is the War to uphold and ensure the important ideological victory. War greatly enriched and sublimated by the spirit of patriotism as the core of the Chinese nation. taking advantage of the national Communist Party of China The role of the vanguard of the vanguard and the class, won the support of all Chinese people.
(3) Chinese people love peace and oppose aggression, without fear of war. Chinese people against aggression, to defend the Chinese nation the right to survival and development, is a World War and a major contribution to the cause of human progress.
11, how to treat the Chinese people in the Sino-Japanese War in World War status?
(1) Chinese People's War East is the world's main anti-fascist war battlefield. in the world anti-fascist war, the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War began early and lasted the longest. China's battle to contain on average more than 74% of the Japanese Army, the highest year of 90%. The Japanese overseas operations in the loss of 287 million, 150 million Chinese casualties in the battlefield.
(2) of the Chinese people's protracted war of resistance, not only to curb Japan's south, allies to provide a large number of strategic material and military intelligence. Chinese troops fighting abroad, not only against the Japanese, but also to give practical support to the Allies.
(3) as major powers began to participate directly in international coordination of anti-fascist war. China With the victory of the war international position improved .1942 on January, 26 countries signed the A.
Chapter VII of the struggle for the creation of new China, an important test sites
t explain
Second, the short answer questions
1, after the outbreak of the war of liberation, why the call for Chiang Kai-shek . only against counter-revolutionary war with revolutionary war, the liberation of China and the Chinese nation to be truly independent.
(2) able to defeat Chiang Kai-shek: Because of the advantages of Chiang Kai-shek and the United States military aid, only a temporary phenomenon and temporary role factors; and Chiang Kai-shek launched the anti-people nature of the war, the people's support or oppose, it is often contributing factors. people's liberation war with the patriotic nature of revolutionary justice, is bound to get the support of people across the country. This is the victory over Chiang Kai-shek political basis.
2, People's Liberation Army into the symbol and characteristics of strategic offensive What?
(1) mark: the end of June 1947, Liu and Deng Xiaoping led the main force of the Shanxi-strong field army crossed the Yellow River, Trinidad leap forward in the Dabie Mountains in Henan, Anhui to start implementation of the strategy. Chen Yi, Su Yu, East China Field Army commanded the main force for the East, advancing Sulu Yu-wan area; Chen Geng and Xie Fuzhi a field army command as the Shanxi Road, advancing western Henan. armed forces coordinate with each other, mobile annihilated. Kuomintang troops in a passive position. people's liberation war which opened the prelude to the strategic offensive.
(2) Characteristics: People's Liberation Army is not dominant in number (the enemy military ratio three to two), has launched a national strategic counteroffensive, the PLA main force to reach an outside line.
3, Liberation War How the Chinese Communist Party's unity and cooperation with democratic parties?
(1) Political Consultative Conference in Chongqing during the negotiations and the KMT, the democratic parties as the Most political parties in keeping with the Communist Party, refused to participate in the KMT single-handedly the democracy movement led by patriotic. (NLD Li Gongpu and Wen, Dubin Cheng other end by the KMT assassination.)
(4) turn in the people's liberation war and the strategic counteroffensive Trifecta situation, the beginning of 1948 Declaration of the democratic parties are open, standing on the side of the people's revolution, together with the Communist Party to overthrow the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang and the establishment of New China, the common struggle.
4, the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh main content of what is?
1949 年March, convened the Second Session of the Seventh. Its main contents are:
(1) provides a national victory in the Chinese Communist Party in the political, economic, and diplomatic aspects of the basic policy should be adopted.
(2) pointed out that the Chinese from an agricultural country into an industrial country by the new democratic society into a socialist society development.
(3) the construction of the Chinese Communist Party's own issues, proposed the ; comrades must be helped to continue to remain modest, prudent and free from arrogance and rashness in style, comrades must be helped to continue to maintain the style of hard struggle paper is how to clarify the founding of the Chinese Communist Party claims?
1949 年 6 30, Mao Zedong published br> (1) the people's democratic dictatorship is based on the working class, the peasantry and urban petty bourgeoisie alliance.
(2) is mainly working class and peasantry alliance, because these two classes account for the Chinese population 80% -90%. overthrowing imperialism and the Kuomintang reactionaries, from New Democracy to socialism, are mainly rely on the alliance of these two classes
(3) for the establishment of new China, you must utilize all urban and rural areas in the national economy and favorable capital Marxist elements, united national bourgeoisie. But the national bourgeoisie can not act as a leader of the revolution, state power should not be accounted for in the primary position.
(4) Mao Zedong pointed out: To summarize our experience, concentrated to the point that working class (through the Communist Party) leadership based on the alliance of workers and peasants people's democratic dictatorship
three essay questions
1, how to understand the country during the Liberation War and two of three nation-building program trial of the fate of China. < br> The first is the landlord class and the comprador big bourgeoisie, nation-building program. The overwhelming majority of the founding of the program away from the interests and aspirations of the people. With the birth of new China, the Kuomintang reactionary rule is also fundamentally overturned the.
The second is the founding program of the national bourgeoisie. This program does not work in China. because: imperialism is not allowed; national bourgeoisie in the economic, political weakness, making them the courage and the ability to led the people in the struggle against imperialism and feudalism completely, thus pave the way for the establishment of a bourgeois republic. the vast majority of the national bourgeoisie in the Communist Party of China finally accepted the new democratic revolutionary program.
third of the working class , the peasantry and urban petty bourgeoisie, nation-building program. The Communist Party of China political representatives. The founding of the program are: the working class and its political leadership, through the democratic revolution, the establishment of a working class led by the alliance of workers and peasants based, to unite the power of the people's democratic dictatorship of the People's Republic. This program is to guide the Chinese nation and the Chinese people win national independence and liberation and thus open the way to achieve prosperity of the country's founding of the scientific program
2, the CPC-led multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the pattern of how the form?
(1) 1948 年 4 30, the CPC Central Committee in commemoration of May Day slogans that read: various people's organizations, community leaders quickly convened Political Consultative Conference, convened to discuss and implement the people's congress, the establishment of a democratic coalition government. non-party democracy, the CPC Central Committee to receive an invitation after another into the Northeast, North China Liberated Area. (Zhang Bojun in Harbin and put forward the democratic parties, which is equal to the Provisional People's Political Consultative Conference, to the provisional central government. this view accepted by the CPC Central Committee .)
1949 年 1 22, Li Jishen, Shen Junru and other leaders of democratic parties and democratic personages without party affiliation famous 55 jointly issued the idea of a coalition government. The political statement that China's democratic parties and democratic personages without party affiliation voluntarily accepted the Chinese Communist Party's leadership, determined to follow the road of people's revolution, support the establishment of New China, people's democracy.
the Chinese Communist Party Under the leadership of the democratic parties and democrats without party affiliation, together with representatives of the people of all circles in China to participate in the preparations for a new job.
3, the CPPCC before the promulgation of the first constitution, the based on the alliance of workers and peasants, uniting all democratic classes and all nationalities of the people's democratic dictatorship. People's Government Communist Party of China formally established the ruling position in the country.
(2) the provisions of the new China's basic national policy. National populated areas, should be the regional national autonomy.
(3) provides a new approach to China's economic work. to the development of production, the purpose of economic prosperity. economic development friendship and cooperation, and oppose the imperialist policies of aggression and war policy Communist political parties as the working class, not only represents the interests of the Chinese working class, and represents the entire Chinese nation and Chinese people's interests. Chinese Communist Party is a Marxist armed with the scientific theory to Marxism in China that Mao Zedong thinking of all the work of the pointer. to work out the situation for China, the interests of the Chinese people's program, line, principles and policies of the struggle of the Chinese people in the right direction .. ; This is the Chinese people based on their own personal experience confirmed by objective truth.
(2) broad participation of people: workers, peasants, urban petty bourgeoisie is a major force in the Democratic Revolution, the Communist Party of the national bourgeoisie is also gradually close. No majority of the people and the public to participate in and support a wide range, the victory of the Chinese revolution is impossible.
(3) International assistance: the Chinese revolution has been able to win, with the international proletariat and the masses support is also inseparable.
5, of the basic experience of the Chinese revolution
(1) establishment of a broad united front. united front there are two leagues: one is the alliance of workers, which is basic, primary; one is the alliance of workers and non workers, which is assisted, but it is also important. must firmly rely on the first alliance to fight the establishment and expansion of the second union. consolidating and expanding the united front The key is to uphold the leadership of the working class, led the allies to the common struggle against a resolute enemy and achieve victory; on give material benefits to be led, at least not damage their interests, while being the leader give political education; have jointly taken the bourgeoisie, but also the policy of the struggle.
(2) adhere to the revolutionary armed struggle. the Chinese revolution can only be a long armed struggle as the main form. China's armed struggle is essentially a peasant war led by the working class. must go to the countryside for agrarian revolution, and take the road encircling the cities from rural areas in order to gradually win the victory of the revolution. must be established under the absolute leadership of the Communist Party a new people's army. This army with Chinese characteristics must implement a series of people's war strategy tactics.
(3) Strengthening the construction of the Communist Party itself. in the peasants and other petty-bourgeois majority of the population in China, building a working class vanguard party, an extremely arduous task. Mao Zedong's theory of party building successful solved this problem. the construction of the Chinese Communist Party is closely linked to the party's political line. First focus on the party's ideological, with the working class ideology to overcome bourgeois and petty bourgeois ideology; nurture and develop the combination of theory and practice and close ties with the masses and self-criticism style; created through criticism and self in the Party a Marxist ideological education and other forms of rectification.
Communist Party of China in the long struggle and become a united front and armed struggle to master The two weapons to the implementation of the enemy strikes, heroic warriors, people of all nationalities to become the core of leadership support.
Chapter VIII of the full establishment of the basic socialist system an important test sites
t explain
II, Jane Answer
1, the early days of New China, land reform ...

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