Sunday, December 26, 2010

Seoul to Seoul on

 We used to call Korea South Korea, the country's ethnic peoples in distant Korea mm long history of provocation has been the Chinese Empire, After a series of war is to conquer the Chinese Empire, Chinese Empire is interesting that the operation in the passive invasion into the alien aliens surrender! Chinese civilization had radiation the nations, South Korea is no exception. Application of Chinese characters and Chinese culture, Western blot to remove Korea's nationalist revival of the real action. However, all these actions are not out of its narrow-minded! a powerful nation but can not because of xenophobia steal from many, the history of China heyday of the American Empire and has been true today. Today is easing in the Sino-Japanese relations and the direction towards the rational development of the time, but in South Korea and China apart. why? because South Korea can not become a competitor in China is, at best, Uncle Sam just thugs in captivity. In order to express loyalty to their masters, to do some fun things to master! Koreans at this point are not smart enough, antagonizing China, can only disgrace! relations of South Korea must have a clear understanding of China must not be sacrificed to accommodate North Korea. while trade deficit with China and South Korea must change, we can not sacrifice their own interests to satisfy the appetite of thugs.
tell the people, there is no need to go to Korea! want to go abroad to the West as the source of modern civilization in the West, although the West seems not so friendly, but western countries are not thugs, this alone is enough! thugs learn to get what? better deal directly with the master. The new South Korean president took office thought he was when on the thugs are eligible to whirl the stick, but in fact wrong! thugs always depend on others could not escape the fate of thugs. Recently, some Korean businessmen owed wages of Chinese workers, to flee the country, indicating that South Korea is indeed room for improvement in the conduct of business! remind all levels of Government to seriously deal with Korean and Korean goods to remind people to treat seriously, because of irresponsible panic to escape that lower the credibility of their products. Seoul to Seoul can be completed without any obstacles, however, depend on others to independence still has a long way to go, fled in panic from the irresponsible to the responsible conduct of business partners need improvements, but also can change overnight.

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